Kender du til dét, at gå ned ad hovedgaden fordybet i en snak med familien, da en godgørende 'facer' pludselig popper op med spredte arme foran jer og siger "Vil du give en underskrift - det er gratis!" eller "Går du ind for at dyr bliver mishandlet?"
For os der bor i en storby tenderer 'facerne' til rutinemæssig chikane af hverdagen, men mere generelt synes de bagvedliggende organisationer at have misforstået ideen med de offentlige rum - blot fordi man er uden for sin dør giver ikke carte blanche til systematisk at chikanere folk med dårlige 'scorereplikker'. Det offentlige rum er ikke lig med et butiksgulv. For nogle år beskrev Vincent Hendricks og jeg situationen som følger i vores bog Infostorms: "Since the public space is everyday subjected to, a still increasing degree of privatization and commercialization, where each single square meter is silently converted to spaces for advertisement and events, whose striking power is developed in step with new technologies. There are mounted roller conveyors with background lighting on the stations, above our heads the S-trains flat screens are bombarding us with commercials, and by the traffic lights free-sheets are trusted through the windows. On a normal ‘test-drive’ down through Strøget in Copenhagen, we were therefore required to run a hurdle race over a prefabricated first-served offer by Peak Performance (who apparently have learned the art of creating information cascades from Apple and Harry Potter), pass through a loud street disco erected by a shoe-shop, slalom drive between five shady sign holders, receive three flyer’s (two from restaurants and one from a neo-religious movement), firmly refuse four newspaper salesmen, two free-sheets, five employees from the anxiety-industry (Amnesty, Greenpeace etc,), three phone salesmen without a sense of personal boundaries, and a dancing muffin, as well as receive eight promotional lollies. When we finally made it to the City court on Nytorv, we could assert that the flower seller had packed op in the realization of, that an offer shout once in a while, no longer can compete with six south Americans, who has strengthened their pan pipes with a larger concert stereo, and who now played the part of rain dancing prairie Indians." Ikke meget har ændret sig siden og for mange er det svært at sno sig uden om de såkaldte 'facere'. Derfor gav jeg TV2-Østjylland mine fire bedste råd til hvordan man kan undgå gadesælgerne - de er i slutningen af denne korte video. |